‘Get out of the car before I blow your brains out:’ Man charged with shooting driver during series of carjackings on same West Englewood block

A man is facing felony charges after allegedly shooting one motorist and threatening another during a series of armed carjackings earlier this month on the same street in West Englewood, Chicago police announced Sunday.

Jamari Edwards, 20, was arrested Friday after being identified as the suspect who carjacked three people in the 7100 block of South Ashland Avenue, according to an arrest report.

During the first carjacking around 5 a.m. Aug. 6, Edwards pointed a gun at a 28-year-old man who was sitting inside his vehicle and ordered him out, according to the report and a statement from police. After the man complied and got out of the vehicle, Edwards shot him in the left leg and drove off.

Around the same time on Aug. 8, Edwards walked another drive to his vehicle at gunpoint, then took the keys and drove off, the report states.

The final carjacking happened around 1:45 a.m. Aug. 13, when Edwards approached a woman who was sitting in her vehicle, according to the report.

“Get out of the car before I blow your brains out,” he allegedly said before pulling the woman from the car at gunpoint and fleeing.

Edwards was eventually arrested in an alley in the 1700 block of West 69th Street, the report states. He was charged with felony counts of aggravated battery and vehicular hijacking.

He was expected in bond court on Sunday.

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