I-25 detours expected for repair work at Weld County Road 34

​Work will take place Monday and Tuesday nights through August to repair a bridge over Interstate 25 at Weld County Road 34 that was damaged Aug. 8 when a truck hauling an excavator struck the bridge and damaged the bridge beams.​

The Colorado Department of Transportation ​said in a news release that work​ will take place ​on Monday and Tuesday nights between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m., pending weather and material availability.

​I-25 traffic will be detoured to the on- and off-ramps at Weld County Road 34​​ to allow crews to install netting, barricades and other work to prepare the bridge to handle one-way westbound traffic by the end of the week. ​

CDOT bridge crews have been assessing the damage and have determined the structural integrity of the bridge can support one lane of traffic to connect westbound travelers on ​the county road ​to ​cross I-25​, the release stated​.

​Roadway work ​also ​will ​be performed to repair damage caused by the skidding backhoe and diesel fuel that was spilled as a result of the crash​, which will require that I-25 traffic be detoured to the on- and off-ramps at ​Weld County Road 34 between 9​ ​p​.​m​.​ and 5​ ​a​.​m​.​ to allow crews to replace the top layer of asphalt on the damaged section. Th​at work is expected to occur in late August and possibly into the beginning of September, depending on weather and material availability​, the release said​.

The next stage of the repairs will take place over the next four months to get the bridge repaired to accommodate two-way traffic as it did before the crash. Intermittent one-lane night closures may be needed to perform bridge safety inspections. Travelers can expect night work from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. with minimal delays on I-25 during this time.

​Travelers can​ check cotrip.org to see when delays are scheduled.

The post I-25 detours expected for repair work at Weld County Road 34 first appeared on Eatory.my.id.